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You Shaped Scouting


Youth Shaped Scouting isn’t anything new! With it being embedded throughout the scouting history since the very beginning in 1907. It gives young people the opportunity to collaborate with adult volunteers to influence and lead their scouting experience, youth shaped scouting looks different to everyone but skills that are gained are the same planning, leading and representing that young people will have for the rest of their lives! 

The United Nation’s priority for young people for 2030 is to ‘Amplify youth voices for the promotion of a peaceful, just and sustainable world’. As the Scout association is the one of biggest youth organisations in the world it should be leading the way and youth shaping scouting is how we pave the way for others.


You Shape Award


The youth shape award was launched to make youth shaped scouting evening easier to embed into your programme. Giving the young people opportunities to take the lead and become the leaders of the future and securing the scouting. The award has been launched for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers Currently there is no plan to add a you shape award for Network or Squirrels. 



This badge is a chance to brainstorm, coming up with what you want to get out of the award and set your goals.



It's time to get creative! Plan exactly what you want to do and how you are going to create fun activities for your programme.


It's time to be the leader! Put your plans into action with programme or nights away.



It's time to represent your peers and group! Think about how you can engage with the community, get your friends to get involved or present to your executive committees.

Find Out More about the YouShape Award.


Watch this video of a Webinar from the UK Youth Commissioner of Scouts, Ollie.


To obtain your certificate after completing the #YouShape Award follow the button below.


#YouShape Award For Each Section





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What is the links between #YouShape and  Top Awards?


Find out what the links between the

Top Awards are in each Section and the #YouShape Awards on offer. 



#YouShape Award Champion

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Make sure to share with us when your young people achieve the award using the #YouShape and complete the quick form below.

Name: Rishikesh Shah


1. Why did you want to undertake the award? 

I wanted to do the YouShape award as it gave me a chance to experience what a Cub Leader must go through to plan and deliver a meeting; the opportunity to feedback how I think meetings could be improved and finally to meet the Executive Committee to feedback on how the Group is being managed. 


2. What did you do for the award? 

I achieved my black belt in November 2021, so for 2 of the badges I planned and delivered a karate session. This included developing the timetable for the session, completing the risk assessment and the delivering the karate session for the 1½hr Cub meeting. 

I also proposed changes to the Cub session in which pack leaders were changed every half-term/term so that the Cubs got to be with other cubs and get to know each other more. 

Finally, I attended the Executive Meeting for the 2nd/7th WGC where I thanked the committee for all their hard work especially during the lockdown and after. 


3. What did you enjoy most about it? 

I enjoyed meeting the Executive Committee: they were so friendly and welcoming. I also enjoyed being able to share my passion for karate with the Cub group. 


4. Would take part in the next sections youshape award? 

Absolutely! I will be spending the Summer break planning what type of meeting I could deliver and as I would have been with the 3rd Hatfield Air Scouts for approximately 6 months I will be considering how I can help to develop the group. 


5. One piece of advise for someone under taking the award? 

My advice would be don’t be nervous or scared: the Leaders will be there to support you in completing the activity. But most of all, focus on something that you like so the process of planning and delivering can be a fun and enjoyable experience for you! 


6. What skills did you develop while undertaking the award? 

The skills I developed were planning and thinking about what the risks could be encountered. And also communicating with both cubs and adults where the adults respond to you like an equal and the cubs see you as a teacher. This is very different to being at school!





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County Office, Well End 

Activity Centre, Borehamwood,

Herts, WD6 5PR

0208 236 0040

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Hertfordshire County Scout Council registered charity in England and Wales: 302606 Scotland: 039650


​All images and content on this site are protected by copy right and cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission of Hertfordshire County Scout Council

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